Water features are today’s hottest trend in landscaping. There is no more lovely and tranquil setting in all of nature than that provided by a pond or water garden. We can create a bit of paradise right in your own back yard by transforming a high maintenance lawn area into a beautiful, low maintenance water feature.
Imagine returning home from your busy, hectic day and being able to recuperate by relaxing next to your water garden and listening to the serene sounds of a waterfall or bubbling stream. A water feature is a natural way to soothe the mind and soul. It can also allow you to travel back into nature, to revisit the freedom and uncomplicated times you knew as a child.
Bring Mother Nature into your back yard; see fish, turtles, frogs and other critters who will become “visitors” to your pond.
Water features are environmentally friendly; using no chemicals, only bacteria to help keep algae under control. Like traditional landscaping, water features can be installed anywhere in your yard and can significantly increase the value of your property.
For those who want a beautiful and natural water feature but may not think a pond is for them, a pondless waterfall is the perfect solution. It is just the waterfall with the water disappearing at the bottom of a stone bed without the traditional lower holding pond. You still receive the benefit of hearing and seeing the serene, moving water. Our pondless waterfalls fit into any size space, which is a plus for those who have size constraints in their back yard. Pondless waterfalls provide a natural-looking waterfall no matter what size the space.
A pondless waterfall is a good alternative for those who may not want the responsibility for caring for fish, or who have child safety concerns or commercial settings where liability may be an issue due to the standing water of a pond. Pondless waterfalls are even easier to maintain than a pond. The only maintenance is making sure the reservoir is refilled every few weeks to compensate for water loss due to evaporation.
The water is circulated from beneath the rocks and gravel by a pump that sits at the bottom of the module setup and is recirculated into the reservoir.
Call us today for more information and a free brochure...
Pond Design
Each pond that Royal Oak Landscape installs is completely customized, no two ponds are identical. When designing each water feature, we take into consideration the existing landscaping and the specific needs of each individual customer and their home.
What kind of water feature are you looking for?
- Waterfall, with or without stream, dropping into a pond with plants and fish.
- Pondless waterfall and/or stream – water constantly recirculates and disappears into a gravel bed with aquatic marginal plants. This is ideal for those who have child safety concerns or where there may be liability issues with a standing pond.
Where should your water feature be installed?
- A pond is most often installed close to a patio or deck
- By keeping the pond fairly close to your house it can be viewed from indoors, which is especially nice during the winter season.
- Decide where you would like the waterfall and/or stream to be. Marking this out can help you to visualize the pond.
We suggest using a garden hose to help define the shape of your pond. Since a garden hose is flexible, it can be positioned into various shapes, allowing you to decide how you want your pond to look. Once you have decided on a shape, you can use marking paint to outline the shape of the pond.
A pond must be constructed correctly in order for it to be the low-maintenance, natural, back yard paradise you desire. The key is to work with Mother Nature and not against her; making sure that the aquatic ecosystem is always in balance. There are six key elements that work together to keep this system in balance:
- The filtration system (Biofalls and skimmer)
- The circulation system (Pump and plumbing)
- Rocks/gravel in and around the pond (Even on the bottom)
- Beneficial bacteria
- Aquatic plants
- Fish
If any of these items are not present, such as the fish or gravel at the bottom of the pond, it can throw the ecosystem off balance and could mean trouble for your pond. All of these things not only need to be present, but also need to be cultivated in proportion for the system to work properly. It is also possible to have too many of these items present, such as plants or fish, which can also cause the system to be off balance. With a new pond, sometimes a little trial and error is needed.
Each pond is unique and maintenance can be affected by several things: nearby trees, pets and wildlife and weather conditions and temperature; even overfeeding the fish can be a factor to maintenance. When you have a new pond installed, keep a close eye on it for the first few months to observe its individual requirements.
- Once you have established a balanced ecosystem, the maintenance is easy.
- Weekly or bi-monthly, check the skimmer net for debris
- Put bacteria (not chemicals) into the pond to help keep algae under control
- Add water to the pond when needed as extreme heat can cause water evaporation
That’s virtually all there is to it. The only thing left for you to do, is to sit back and enjoy your water feature!
**With your pond you will receive an Owner’s Manual and Maintenance Guide. Please take the time to read this thoroughly. We do offer springtime clean out and winterizing services for your pond if you do not wish to do it yourself. If you should have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We use the “AQUASCAPE SYSTEM” creating a low maintenance, self contained ecosystem
Aquatic Plants & Fish
Fish are a vital part of any naturally-balanced aquatic ecosystem. Goldfish and Koi are the most popular types of fish that are kept in a water garden. These fish are friendly, easy to care for, fun to watch and they eat insect larvae that are laid in the water, helping to control mosquitoes.
These fish come in various sizes and colors with intriguing body patterns. Before purchasing any fish, be sure to research the requirements of each. It is also a good idea to test your water first before introducing any fish and do not overstock.
For new ponds we usually recommend one inch of fish per square foot of pond surface. For older, established ponds you can have two to three inches of fish per square foot of pond surface.
Aquatic plants are also essential to your pond’s ecosystem. They help keep the water crystal clear and provide needed oxygen and shade to the pond’s inhabitants. Plants are the jewels of a water garden. They had texture, beauty, color and fragrance; creating a striking atmosphere which compliments the rest of the water feature.
Pond Kits
If you are a do-it-yourselfer, we have pond kits available for sale. Each kit comes with the 20 components listed below as well as a 20-step set of instructions that will take you through the process of installing a water feature. Call our office for pricing information on these kits.
Scroll down for the “Sample Packages” to see what it would cost to have the water feature installed by us or click here.
Complete Mini Pond Kit From Aquascapes -- 20 Components
- Skimmer -- deposits surface debris in easy-to-remove bag and breaks the surface tension for a cleaner pond.
- BIOFALLS -- disappears from view by becoming a waterfall! Bacteria live inside, cleaning the water. Requires only yearly cleaning.
- Pump -- A high efficiency pump provides the best value for your money!
- Liner -- EPDM liners have a 20 year manufacturer’s guarantee. Cover with stones and expand life expectancy indefinitely.
- Underlayment -- Acts as a padding for the liner. Woven to allow gasses to escape from beneath the liner.
- PVC Flex Pipe -- Easy to install and extremely flexible. Plumbs the skimmer to BIOFALLS.
- Underwater Lights -- Comes with a transformer that extends the enjoyment of a pond into the evening. Automatic timer can be pre-set or used manually.
- Bacteria -- Helps start and maintain a pond’s health. Keeps water clear by adding to the bacterial colonies on the filters and stones.
- Check Valve -- Allows easy pump removal while preventing BIOFALLS from draining when electricity is turned off.
- Waterfall Stone -- Perfectly sized and shaped to fit on the BIOFALLS snout to form a natural waterfall.
- Skimmer Rock & Lid -- Naturally camouflages skimmer top. Lighter than a similarly sized stone.
- Filtration Media -- Provides high surface area for bacteria to colonize and clean the water.
- Skimmer Bag -- Catches large debris and allows it to be easily removed.
- Filter Support Racks -- Acts as a base for filter material while strengthening filter walls.
- Bulk Head Fitting -- Forms water tight seal in skimmer, over-flow and BIOFALLS hook up.
- Liner Patch -- Water-tight patch seals accidental holes in the liner.
- Expanding Foam -- Expands and seals cracks between the stones and BIOFALLS /liner. Diverts water over stones instead of beneath them.
- Silicone -- (FOODSAFE) Forms a water-tight seal between BIOFALLS snout, skimmer and liner.
- PVC Glue & Primer -- Bonds PVC pipe to coupling in BIOFALLS . Designed for flexible PVC pipe.
- Aquascaping Your Landscape -- Reference guide for pond owners. Explains the system and maintenance needs and acts as a resource for general pond questions.
Ponds by Royal Oak Landscape Price List For 2010
Special packages include: a complete mini pond kit, materials (boulders/gravel/mulch), labor and delivery charge. Plants and fish not included, but available upon request. Streams and additional waterfalls are priced upon request. Streams are an additional $175 per linear foot, up to 20 linear feet (depending on materials). Over 20 linear feet, call the office for pricing and more information. Waterfalls are based on height, size and materials selected. Prices below are approximate. Location, ground conditions and other concerns may impact final price.
Package A: approximately 4' X 6' pond
Approximate install price including materials, labor and delivery:
$4,000.00 plus tax
Package B: approximately 6' X 11' pond
Approximate install price including materials, labor and delivery:
$4,600.00 plus tax
Package C: approximately 11' X 11' pond
Approximate install price including materials, labor and delivery: $5,400.00 plus tax
Package D: approximately 11' X 16' pond
Approximate install price including materials, labor and delivery:
$6,000.00 plus tax
Aquatic Plants:
Marginals - assorted grasses, Iris, Cattail, Pickeral rush, Sweetflag & day lilies that border pond edges.
Hardy Water Lilies - produce pads that float & brilliant color flowers that do not need to be taken up in the winter.
Oxygenators - work beneath the water, partially filtering it & adding dissolved oxygen for the fish (Hornwart, Canadian pondweed & Water Crowsfoot).
Floating Annual Flowers - these must be taken indoors over the winter or replaced in the spring due to the cold in Connecticut , but provide beautiful color throughout the summer & fall (Water Hyacinth & Water Lettuce).
**Actual selection depends upon plant availability - please contact our office for more information
Pond Fish & Koi: Please contact our office for more information.